Tuesday, July 15, 2014

9 weeks out

I'm officially 9 weeks post op, and only 3 more sessions of PT! Really 2 more weeks, but I am going out of town so will only go once next week, and twice the following week. But I will be SO HAPPY to be done with PT. Honestly that's part of the reason I am hesitant to get surgery on my left hip this fall, I am just so so over going to PT. Idk if it's bc my therapist isn't there anymore, or bc I can do everything on my own but still have to pay to make somebody make me do it .... Not sure. But mentally it's exhausting and I'm done with it. 

I did start ART (Active Release Technique) last week... And so far so good. After the first visit I noticed a change for a couple of hours. I had my second visit yesterday and I am feeling a really good sore and no pain. The chiropractors (who do my ART) said I should have no pain after 8ish visits- if it worked. There is usually a good chance of major improvement by then in patients. I'm hopeful. My right (op) hip feels better... my left is just meh though. They think I shouldn't have to get surgery on it, and this technique should work. I'm not holding my breath but I would like that very much. 

I do to for my left hip injection at the hospital on Monday. It's the protocol for surgery, so I figure why not. Plus, I've usually experienced the most pain after being in the car for a period of time, and we are going on a 7 hour trip this week, so it's perfect timing to have it done the day after we get home. 

Also, I would like to try running next week ... Maybe Wednesday or so. I'm going to start with 1 minute on, 1 minute off, for a total of 5 minutes. If it feels okay, do that a few times and add a minute or two for a few more times, etc. I'm sure I will be so out of shape that this will also help to ease back into it, hehe.

I would love to be running, even 1-2 miles (!) at a time when it's volleyball season. I loved doing that last year and felt good and active when I was coaching girls to be active. Even if I have to stop in October for another surgery, it'd be nice to get back into it a little. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blah feeling

The past probably week or so has been pretty miserable for me. My left non op hip has been screaming at me, and I think it's bc of my trip my columbus for my 6 week post op, and just sitting in the car for a long period of time. I mean, misery. I have been taking either a pain pill or some kind of NSAID every single day since then. My right hip that I DID have the surgery on didn't even hurt this bad before surgery. 

My husband, kids, and I are going on a mini vacation in 3 weeks, LUCKILY my injection is the day after we return, bc that's a 7 hour carride that I know will kill my left hip.

My right one has been just okay ... I definitely feel outer hip pain, mostly where the top of my it band is. The doctor said I might get that for awhile, and I'm not fully healed until 6-8 months post op. Foam rolling has become my close friend, and actually helps quite a bit!

I'm not sure if I'm just overdoing it at the gym, or what. I was doing the gym exercises given to me at PT about 4x per week, but I cutting back to 3, and only doing the other things 3x per week as well. 2 of each being at PT. But I just can't seem to feel normal right now, since my longer carride last week. 

So today and tomorrow I won't be doing any working out other than riding my bike, which feels weird. In fact, I cut back to 3x per week at the gym, plus the 2x at PT. It doesn't seem like a lot, especially to me, but I still have burned out feelings. But I feel like I need to make due with this schedule to help with healing better. By backing off of working out, which is hard for me.

Which kind of means no more yoga, so I basically just wasted that money by buying a month package. Ugh. But I'd rather waste it than to push myself too much and re injure myself.