Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to running regularly ...

It's been awhile since I've posted! I was just thinking last night I needed to update the blog, bc it's not often you see success stories with FAI type surgeries, and I kind of am one, so I wanted to bring hope to others. 

I think I last mentioned that I started ART with my chiropractor, and I swear by it. First let me say, I went in there with a sharp pain in my left hip, and an achey right hip. But 3 weeks of ART, I felt pretty normal! At that point, I decided to give running a try. My doctor had mentioned I could start around 10 weeks anyways, and I was right at that point. 

I will admit I was really nervous going into it, but I went to my high school track and did 1 lap, paused, another lap, pause, for a total of 1 mile. I felt great!! I did that another time, and eventually added another lap or 1/2 mile. A week later, and me feeling good, I decided to try the 2 mile race I signed up for. I was planning on just walking it, but I decided why not just run it. I did that and while my hips felt fine, my lungs weren't used to running 2 miles nonstop, ha ha. 

Here we are 5 week later, and I just did a 5 mile run a few days ago. During the week I usually do 3 mile runs about three times per week, with a slightly longer run on the weekend that I built up to.

I'll admit I do have bad days every now and then, but it doesn't feel like it used to before surgery, and I almost wonder if I would feel "normal" if I didn't run. However, I'm a runner, so I wouldn't know. :) 

My friend talked me into signing up for a half marathon, which would take place 5 months post op. Except I am not going to push myself. The 5 miles I did were fine, but I know when I get up to maybe 8 or 9 it'd be a different story. I just don't want to make anything worse. So if I waste $100 bucks bc I don't go through with it, so be it. 

I also am debating on whether or not I even want to do the surgery on my right hip this year. I'm leaning towards not, but I don't want to rule it out.

So that's my apdate right now!

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you for doing so well with getting back into running and I think it's smart to skip this half marathon. You don't wanna screw up your progress. Easy for me to say I'm dying to run at all hahah. I'm glad your other hip is letting up some
